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About Universall Kidz

Universallkidz holistic approach to education is an alternative way of both teaching and learning. We look at the whole student and their life experiences.

 The student takes more responsibility for their own learning in holistic education. 

Supporters say holistic education rejects rote learning to help the student build critical thinking and teamwork skills while developing greater self-confidence.  




Through enabling the children to experience a whole variety of subject related programs which are based on the interest of the children, they learn the natural law of Self Love, Self Respect, Responsibility and Sovereignty. Understanding that they are part of the Greater All and as they love themselves, they are loving every resident upon the Earth.  








ABOUT US: About Us
Kids Running
ABOUT US: Meet the Team


The aim of alternative education program is to encourage responsible, free-thinking young people, who can be proud of who they are, contribute to society with initiative and purpose, who question everything before they make their choices, who can create, problem solve and see challenges as a learning scope. These core values are encouraged within every family and the community members that we encounter. 


Responsibility - knowing that you are responsible for yourself and no longer depend on others to provide for you.


Autonomy - have the freedom to make choices, but understand that with those choices comes the realisation that there will be effect, there will be consequences and have the autonomy to understand that you are a sovereign being but so is everyone else.


Independence - adapting the 'I can do it' and willing to take part in new experiences attitude.  


The philosophy of Universallkidz alternative education approach is a deep understanding of the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs of the developing human being. We need to start educating the whole of the child; the hands and the heart as well as the head. 

This philosophy allows the whole community, the Children, the Parents and community members to make connection, develop intuition so that everyone can tap into their own gifts and their own innate ability and make choices.

It will encourage a sense of inquiry within every person. 


We are helping to build a better future that we, our Children and our future generations deserve. 


1. Children are treated as people in their own rights.

2. Every person is free to make their own decisions about their own learning process and all aspects of their life. 

3. Solve problems together. 

4. Children and adults get together to discuss the rules of community life.  

Kids Blowing Bubbles

The Importance of Holistic Education 

Holistic education places an emphasis on the whole growth of a learner instead of emphasising only specific parts of the human experience. It promotes balanced relationships between not only people, but between people and their environment to a far greater degree than traditional education. 

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